Monday, June 14, 2010

Post-Bonnaroo Blues

The countdown on the main-stage Saturday night, waiting for Jay-Z's festival-defining performance.

Bonnaroo 2010 was a resounding success! Highlights include: Mumford and Sons, Daryl Hall w/ Chromeo, Aziz Ansari, Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers, and of course JAY-Z. A full review will be coming soon when I have more time to fart around on the Internet (Probably Thursday, but maybe not until Friday).

Right now Lizzie and I are in the Chattanooga Airport, dropping Mike off to fly home. We've enjoyed having him on the first leg of the trip, but alas, he has to return to the real world. Tomorrow we'll be in New Orleans. Thursday we'll leave NOLA for Beaumont, TX, and then we'll be in Austin for the weekend. More to come when I have more time, but we've got to get going so we can get at least partway into Mississippi before dark.

In the meantime think about this: Lizzie and I want to make our trip a nationwide scavenger hunt. In the comment section, let us know what sort of people, places, and/or things you want us to find along the way. If it's reasonable and legal, we'll do it. If it's at all possible to get a picture with that person, place, or thing, we will also do it.

If you don't know how to make a comment, it's this easy - click directly below this post where it says "0 Comments" (of course, once people make comments, it will no longer say 0 comments.) Then say whatever you want to say, sign your name, click "publish post" and that's it!

Catch ya later,

Tom and Lizzie


  1. Probably not the best way to hide that Mike accompanied you on your trip. ;) But I'm glad he had fun!

    -Mike's sister

  2. I wanted to give you something cryptic to find in New Orleans like find Marie Laveau or even the gay party on Bourbon St, BUT if you're only spending two days there don't waste your time. Do go to the French Market and while you are there make sure you pick up some Beignets and Cafe Au Lait at Cafe Du Monde.

  3. Tom, I don't know what to make you look for-there's so much stuff to do.

    In Austin look for people doing tours on segways, perhaps you should do one too or borrow someone's to take a photo.

    I will come up with more! Post a list of all the places you're hitting!
    Love, JAY

  4. Put $10 on Black on the roulette table at the Bellagio in Vegas...And eat at an In-'n-Out Burger!
