Saturday, June 19, 2010

All the Way From Beaumont

Hello readers/fellow adventurers-in-spirit,

I'm writing from the Apple store at the Barton Creek Mall in Austin, TX. My laptop has decided to completely stop working, and thus I am waiting for my appointment for the technician to look at it.

We spent Wednesday in New Orleans, exploring the Garden District and then walking along the riverfront watching the Mississippi River boats and exploring the French Quarter. The poverty and squalor we saw throughout New Orleans is astounding. NOLA is an incredibly vibrant, beautiful city, but so much of it has fallen into decay, both before and since Katrina. Definitely an experience we are glad to have had.

On the way into New Orleans, and whilst there, Lizzie wrote a mind-blowingly incredible song that is as yet unnamed, but is just devastating. The song essentially deals with the poverty we saw throughout the south, and I can't wait to get my laptop working again so we can record it and post it on this site.

Thursday we left NOLA for Beaumont, TX and spent a great night/morning with Donnie, a long-time family friend. Donnie took us to Courville's, his brother's restaurant/concert venue, and was an incredibly gracious host. We stayed up till the wee hours playing songs, and had an overall great time. Huge thanks to Donnie.

We rolled into Austin last night, only to discover that I had left my wallet 3 hours east at a gas station in Houston. Miraculously, I called the gas station and they still had my wallet! Joe, my friend in Austin that we are staying with, was gracious enough to drive me back to Houston to retrieve the wallet. Even more miraculous? All of my cash and credit cards were still in the wallet! Such a huge relief.

Today's a lazy day - we're going to explore the town a bit tonight and tomorrow, and then off to San Antonio. :)


P.S. If you're ever in Austin, hit the Ironworks Barbeque. It's the best I've had.

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